Supporters who hit the streets are from all walks of life The response to Team Anna's protest in Mumbai was lukewarm on Tuesday, compared to the popular support it received in New Delhi earlier. Though members of India Against Corruption claimed that 30,000 people visited the MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Authority) ground in the Bandra-Kurla Complex here, it did not look more than 3,000. There was a spurt in the number of...
Fall in greens' prices hits farmers
-The Times of India Even though the residents of Guwahati have to buy their greens at exorbitant rates, farmers in the countryside are living in dire straits as the price at which they sell the vegetables have touched rock bottom. Last week, farmers in Barpeta, one of the vegetable-producing districts of the state, had to jettison cartloads of cucumbers on the street when the price of the produce touched 60 paise per...
More »Indian cooperatives grows by 1%, retains leadership in milk production by Mitul Thakkar
In 2010-11, India produced 121 million tonne of milk, which is close to 17% of global milk production. During the year, dairy cooperatives collected 9.6 million tonne of milk, a growth of around 1% over last year. Liquid milk marketing by cooperatives increased by around 4% over the previous year and was about 8.2 million tonne in 2010-11. Explaining that higher GDP growth, increased incomes in rural areas through schemes like...
More »FDI in Retail: Misplaced Expectations and Half-truths by Sukhpal Singh
The central government claims that allowing foreign direct investment into India’s retail sector will benefit small farmers, expand employment and lower food inflation. What has been the experience in India with organised retail so far and what has been the global experience with FDI? Sukhpal Singh ( is currently at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. After being under relentless attack for a week, the United Progressiv Alliance government was forced to...
More »70% Indians are prone to malaria infection by Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India Over 70% of India's population, or 100.41 crore face the risk of malaria infection. Around 31 crore, however, face the "highest risk" of getting infected by the vector-borne disease. According to the World Malaria report 2011, released by the World Health Organization (WHO), India has over 10 crore suspected malaria cases, but only 15.9 lakh could be confirmed last year. Of the confirmed cases, 8.3 lakh people were infected by...
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