-The Hindu Camp after camp has been forced to disappear in Muzaffarnagar by the official authorities. The people displaced by the communal riots are now in small shanty settlements, 10 tents here, another 10 tents half a kilometre down the road On December 26, 2013, a large group of visitors entered the Loi relief camp in Muzaffarnagar district, Uttar Pradesh. Loi camp - a festering sea of displaced and despairing humanity, with...
27% UP kids are malnourished
-The Asian Age Lucknow: The Akhilesh government's assurances of proper nutrition for children seems to be proving hollow with more than 24 per cent of the school-going children found to be malnourished and 17 per cent found to be anaemic. These facts emerged at a state-level orientation programme on Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) organised by the department of health. Principal health secretary, Pravir Kumar, said that this was based on the data...
More »Bihar Mid-day Meal Tragedy: 'I don't trust this school food or water, but my father can’t afford another one' -Santosh Singh
-The Indian Express Gandaman (Chhapra): Neha Kumari (10) sits on a plastic mat like the other students at Gandaman Middle School. As a cold wind blows in through the open windows, she tightens the scarf around her head. Among the 30-odd students of Class III and IV who share the 20 ft by 20 ft room in the school, it's easy to miss the slight Neha. However, the five teachers including...
More »Unlearning undemocratic values-Sukhadeo Thorat
-The Hindu India's long-standing legacies of caste, gender and class antagonism replicate on campuses as well. As higher education moves forward, it does so on these social cleavages The brutal sexual attack on a young woman in Delhi, in 2012, and a savage attack on a girl student of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on its campus this year are just two examples of extreme violence that have shocked the nation. Acts of...
More »How life is improving in India's poorest regions-Jean Dreze
-BBC A survey done earlier this year shows that public facilities in the poorest regions of India have steadily expanded, improving the lives of people there, writes development economist Jean Dreze. Once upon a time, not so long ago, public facilities in the poorest districts of India were few and far between. Most people were left to their own devices and they lived in the shadow of hunger, insecurity and exploitation, with no...
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