Monday’s polling to Kerala’s first all-tribal panchayat, damalakkudy, in Idukki district would be marked in history for the elborate preparations underway to get a reclusive tribal community to participate in democracy. Edamalakkudy, 38 km from Munnar hill station, has no motorable road, no power or Communication network. There are 700-odd families of Muthuvan Scheduled Tribe, which live in small settlements at Edamalakkudy, situated amidst dense forest. To fill the Communication gap at the...
Centre puts brake on Lanjigarh refinery expansion by Urmi A Goswami
In yet another blow to the Anil Agarwal-owned Vedanta Alumina Ltd , the environment ministry has decided to halt the company’s plans of expanding its Rs 4,600-crore Lanjigarh refinery in Orissa. The existing one million tonne Lanjigarh refinery will, however, continue to be in operation. The ministry has found the Lanjigarh refinery’s expansion to be “unauthorised” and in serious violation of environmental laws. It has decided to revoke the permission given...
More »Plan to end learning by rote by Basant Kumar Mohanty
School education boards across the country are planning to change their examination patterns to shift the focus from testing rote learning to assessing critical thinking. The Council of Boards of School Education (COBSE), an apex body that has all school boards as its members, today met in Ajmer and discussed the need for examination reforms. It decided to set up a committee to study the examination patterns followed by different boards...
More »“Food security at risk world over” by N Anand
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, on Sunday said that world over food security was at risk even as people in other parts of the world led a luxurious life unmindful of it. Delivering his sermon on ‘Bread of life, hope for all' at St. Peter's Church in Vysarpadi, he said that it was the responsibility of the local communities to remind the rich that hungry people have to be fed. The...
More »Prez secy: Amend RTI to avoid 'embarrassment'
Unhappy with law ministry's disclosure of then chief election commissioner N Gopalaswami's "confidential" complaint against his colleague Navin Chawla, the President's secretary had asked the personnel department to frame procedural guidelines and make requisite changes in the law to avoid such "embarrassing" situations. The department of personnel and training, after receiving a three-page Communication from President's secretary Christy Fernandez in March, issued directions to all government departments to make public records...
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