-PTI The “war on drought” announced by Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu has failed to yield the desired results, with groundnut crop output plummeting despite crores of rupees spent on providing water for irrigation. Scanty rain during July-August prompted the state government to declare a ‘war’ on drought by deploying thousands of rain guns to wet standing groundnut crops in 15 lakh acres in Anantapuramu district, 4.5 lakh acres in...
Alternatives to rationalise consumption -Satyapal Menon
-TheHansIndia.com Driven by conservation concerns about the huge pressure on the water resources in the country, there is a growing debate in India about the feasibility of cultivating paddy crops. Such apprehensions are based on the premise that paddy consumes huge quantum of water and consequently it is proving to be a drain on depleting water resources in India. On an average, 2,500 liters of water is required for producing one kg...
More »Rabi sowing picking up pace despite demonetisation woes
-The Hindu Business Line Acreage, however, a tad lower than last five years’ average New Delhi: Despite demonetisation leading to a cash crunch in the economy, the sowing of Rabi crops in the season so far, at 415.53 lakh hectares, was 8.5 per cent greater than the 382.84 lakh hectares sown in the same period last year. While acreage under wheat, pulses and oilseeds increased compared to the same period last year, rice...
More »Modi govt yet to match UPA's economic record -Krishna Kant
-Business Standard GDP the only variable where the current government has kept pace with the previous one Mumbai: The Narendra Modi government needs to grow economy at twice the speed in its second term to catch up with the economic performance of the previous United Progressive Alliance-II (UPA-II) government and even faster if it wishes to trounce UPA-I’s record. For example, the manufacturing sector needs to grow at a compounded annual growth rate...
More »Cash crunch leaves farmers high and dry in MP's Bundelkhand
-Hindustan Times Bhopal: The Centre’s demonetisation move has hit the farmers in MP’s Bundelkhand hard who were hoping for good rabi crops after facing four years of hardships owing to drought in the region. Farming is the main occupation in the region, and heavy rains this year had brought smiles on the faces of farmers. As the sowing for winter crops was almost complete in this part of the state before demonetisation was...
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