With activists and locals intensifying their agitation against the Koodankulam nuclear power project in Tamil Nadu, Prime Minister manmohan singh on Wednesday said all safety precautions will be taken while executing the project but also stressed on its importance for the state given its growing power needs. “The government fully shares the concerns of the people of the area and will take all steps to allay their fears. The government will...
Getting it right on Kudankulam
-The Hindu New Delhi's handling of the protests at Kudankulam marks some improvement over the ham-handed way in which popular concerns over the Jaitapur nuclear power project in Maharashtra were dealt with. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has shown the way with her deft handling of the protests by the local population, shifting from appeals to support the project to articulating the concerns of the people of the project area and...
More »Calculating poverty: How India does it
-BankBazaar.com Can you live on Rs 32 a day in Indian cities? This is what everyone is asking after the Planning Commission came up with this figure in its revised estimate of people living below the poverty line. How about living on Rs 26 a day in a village? Impossible, you say. That's the debate that has been going on in India for the past few days. There is certainly something missing with...
More »India Inc write second open letter to govt about corruption
-NDTV Profit Some of India’s biggest and most-respected entrepreneurs have released an open letter to the government. The group which includes Wipro’s Azim Premji, Anu Aga of Thermax and HDFC's Deepak Parekh, refers to the anti-corruption Lokpal Bill that is meant to be introduced soon in Parliament. The industrialists write, “The Lokpal Bill is only one small but critical step in the national task of weeding out the plague of corruption...
More »Kudankulam will go forward, says Manmohan
-The Hindu ‘Experts will address safety concerns' Prime Minister manmohan singh on Friday promised to set up an expert group to address the “legitimate concerns” of those protesting the Kudankulam nuclear power plant, but he has also clearly indicated that the project would go forward. Dr. Singh, who met a multi-party delegation from Tamil Nadu as well as activists and citizen representatives, assured them that “the government will not compromise on safety in...
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