-The Times of India Marks obtained by a student in the Class X CBSE exams cannot be revealed under the Right to Information (rti) Act as it would defeat the very purpose of the new grading system, the Delhi high court has ruled. Setting aside a ruling by the Central information Commission asking the Central Board of Secondary Education to reveal marks obtained by a girl in her Class X board examination...
rti plea on officers’ appointment rebuffed
-Deccan Herald The files relating to framing of rules for empanelment of officers to the post of additional secretary and secretary at the Centre cannot be disclosed as these are Cabinet papers exempt from disclosure under the Right to Information (rti) Act, the government has maintained. This stand of the government was reiterated in a letter to the Central Information Commission (CIC) by the Cabinet secretariat’s under secretary. The government decided to approach...
More »Panel: Odisha must come clean on corrupt babus-Priya Ranjan Sahu
In an order that could have far-reaching implications, the Odisha State Information Commission has directed the state government to furnish information on top government officials facing corruption charges. The state transparency watchdog’s order last month came on a Hindustan Times petition. The government, which was told to make the information public as a part of self-disclosure under the Right to Information Act within a month (by the last week of May),...
More »“Marks obtained in CBSE Boards cannot be given under rti, rules High Court
-PTI In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court has held that marks obtained by a student in Central Board of Secondary Education Board exams cannot be revealed under the transparency law as it would “defeat” the purpose of the new grading system. The court set aside the verdict of a single-judge Bench and the Central Information Commission which had asked the CBSE to reveal marks obtained by a girl in her...
More »P Sainath replies
-The Hindu Dr. Ahluwalia does not contradict a single fact in the article: (i) Rs.2.02 lakh daily average expenditure for trips between May and October 2011 (well after his “busy” G-20 period ending in 2010). No “gross extravagance”? (ii) 274 days abroad, or one in every nine. Factor in travel days and it could be one in seven away from office. (iii) 42 trips, half of them visits to the U.S. (several trips not...
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