-The Indian Express Chief Minister Raman Singh has said the Cabinet has approved the “Chhattisgarh Auxiliary Armed Police Force Ordinance 2011”, and added that the report has been sent to the governor for his assent. Stating that the new force is being raised keeping in mind Special Police Officers (SPOs), local tribals, who are engaged in anti-Maoist operations, Singh said over 5,000 SPOs will be inducted into the unit, which will...
A proven case by V Venkatesan
The Supreme Court criticises the Chhattisgarh and Central governments and orders the disbanding of Salwa Judum. THE case Nandini Sundar vs State of Chhattisgarh arose out of a writ petition (civil) filed in 2007 in the Supreme Court by Nandini Sundar, a Professor of sociology at the Delhi School of Economics; Ramachandra Guha, a historian; and E.A.S. Sarma, former Secretary to Government of India and former Commissioner, Tribal Welfare, Government...
More »Independent regulator for environmental clearances soon, says Manmohan
-The Hindu ‘Will work on full-time basis to evolve more objective standards of scrutiny' Amid criticism that industrialisation and economic growth were getting blocked due to delay in granting “environmental clearances” to industries, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday announced the government's plans to set up an independent regulator for giving environmental clearances. “We also hope to establish an independent regulator — the National Environment Appraisal and Monitoring Authority — soon. This...
More »The Institutions of Democracy by Andre Beteille
This essay describes and compares Parliament and the Supreme Court and examines the relationship between them. Parliament may still be a great institution, but its members are no longer great men. How long can a great institution remain great in the hands of small men? The SC has held its place in the public esteem rather better than the Lok Sabha, despite the occasional allegation of financial impropriety. Parliament, the...
More »Food security: SC punches holes in Plan panel figures
-The Indian Express Any common man with a little common sense can understand that a person cannot afford to consume 2,400 calories on an average income of Rs 20 or Rs 10 per day, the Supreme Court said on Friday, raising doubts about the government’s norms for providing food security to vulnerable sections like the Below Poverty Line (BPL) population. Justices Dalveer Bhandari and Deepak Verma said the Planning Commission’s calculation...
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