At least 100,000 trade unionists marched through New Delhi on Wednesday in a protest against high food prices and unemployment, piling pressure on an administration under fire over corruption scandals. The demonstration was the biggest in New Delhi in years and included members of a trade union linked to the ruling Congress party, reflecting disquiet within the party over food inflation which hit a high of over 18 percent last December. It...
20 names announced for JPC by Smita Gupta
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday moved a motion in the Lok Sabha for the appointment of a 30-member Joint Parliamentary Committee to go into the 2G spectrum issue. The 20 members from the Lower House who would be in the JPC were named. The names of the remaining 10 who would represent the Upper House would be announced on March 1, when the House officially joins the JPC. The JPC...
More »Two Indias in the making: IPL India and BPL India, says Yechury
Opening the reply to the President's Motion of Thanks on behalf of the Left parties in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Sitaram Yechury, demanded the stopping of the “loot” of pubLIC money in the form of concessions to corporates and high-end taxpayers. This relief, worth several lakhs of rupees, should be used to narrow the rich-poor divide, he added. Calling upon the government to shift poLICy...
More »Govt blinks again, to set up 30-member JPC
The government will announce a 30-member joint parliamentary panel with terms of reference expected to cover the period of the execution of the first-come, first-served poLICy for telecom LICences including the opposition NDA's term in office. The committee is expected to submit a report in six months but sources were doubtful if this might be sufficient. The announcement on the JPC, its membership and terms is to be made on Thursday...
More »How realpolitik got in way of Ramesh's all-out green zeal by Kunal Bose
To many, ecology clearances coming in quick succession first for the 12-million-tonne steel project, including a captive power complex and a minor port that the South Korean Posco is diligently pursuing for close to six years and then for SAIL’s three mining leases at Chiria in Jharkhand appear as history bending revolutions. This is because the ministry of environment and forests, led by environment zealot Jairam Ramesh was till the...
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