Police sub-inspector of Vyara police station, S H Bava, was nabbed red-handed by anti-corruption bureau (ACB) officials for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 5,000 from a NREGA misappropriation accused here on Sunday. Bava had demanded money for not requesting for further remand of the accused from the court to investigate the case. Kanji Chaudhary, post master of Pathakwadi village, and Sapna Chaudhary, sarpanch of the village, had been arrested on...
Prosecution struggles to link Binayak Sen case accused to conspiracy by Aman Sethi
Nearly four years after the celebrated doctor and activist Binayak Sen was arrested on charges of aiding the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist) and conspiring to overthrow the Indian state, the prosecution began its final arguments.The State of Chhattisgarh sought to prove that Piyush Guha, Binayak Sen and Narayan Sanyal had actively conspired to assist the urban operations of the CPI (Maoist), a guerrilla party committed to the overthrow...
More »The message and the messenger by Shyam Ranganathan
The Assange saga may be as good for the jurisprudence of rape as the whole WikiLeaks issue may be for the strength of free speech and the Internet.Julian Paul Assange's life as a hacker and “rogue journalist” (as he is to some people) had the makings of a classic Hollywood potboiler, initially. Eventually, it appeared to have turned into high drama, with two women alleging rape and molestation, a Swedish...
More »Delhi institute mistaken for Pakistan intelligence agency by Supriya Sharma
Chhattisgarh special prosecutor TC Pandya on Friday claimed that civil rights activist Dr Binayak Sen's wife Ilina was in correspondence with the ISI — a huge gaffe. For, the ISI she had links with was the Indian Social Institute, not the Pakistani intelligence agency. Pandya was deposing in a local sessions court and said that Sen had dealings not just with local Maoist networks but also international terrorist groups as well. He...
More »Human Rights Watch Report: BSF killing with impunity on Bangladesh borders
Indian Border Security Force (BSF) personnel routinely gun down cattle smugglers and other civilians crossing the border with Bangladesh despite negligible evidence of any crime, says Human Rights Watch (HRW) from America.The New York-based rights group disclosed this in its 81-page report titled `Trigger Happy: Excessive Use of Force by Indian Troops at the Bangladesh Border” released on the eve of Human Rights Day (December 10).“The BSF - responsible for...
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