-The Indian Express Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday said the government has learnt a valuable lesson on allotment of natural resources like coal and spectrum, but cautioned the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India against "sensationalising" its reports and creating an environment of "finger pointing". Addressing an annual conference of the CAG, Jaitley said the auditor "doesn't have to sensationalise... he doesn't have to get into the headlines." Noting that the...
Govt may bring changes to land act in winter session of Parliament -Kumar Uttam
-The Hindustan Times To kick-start stalled development projects and remove investment bottlenecks, the government is expected to make changes to the land acquisition act during the winter session that opens on November 24. Dilution of the consent clause, restricting social impact assessment to large projects and giving states the powers to define "emergency" under "urgency clause" for acquiring land are some of the major amendments -- demanded by various states -- that...
More »State has delivered double blow to RTI, say angry activists -Yogesh Naik & Rajendra B Aklekar
-Mumbai Mirror Second punch: Govt issues circular telling officials to hold back any files that they think are not in public interest. Outraged Right to Information (RTI) activists have railed at two government notifications, issued in the last two weeks, which they say seek to dilute the efficacy of the RTI Act. Some advocates of transparency and the regime of accountability have termed the orders "illegal" and have written letters of protest...
More »MGNREGA impact on food inflation is very limited, says RBI study -Jitendra
-Down to Earth There are other factors for food price inflation, says the study commissioned in the wake of persistent double digit food price inflation between 2012-13 The rural job scheme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), which guarantees 100 days of unskilled job to rural households in a year, has been blamed by a number of economists for food price inflation. But a new study by the Reserve Bank...
More »Subramanian till recently had opposed India on IPR
-The Times of India The man who has been appointed the chief economic advisor to the government of India, Arvind Subramanian, was until recently urging the US to initiate disputes against India before the World Trade Organisation and also seeking changes in provisions within Indian patent law aimed at preventing frivolous patenting and preventing pharma companies from getting extensions on patents by tweaking existing drugs and passing them off as innovations. Subramanian...
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