The drama in the Rajya Sabha showed that the UPA government was not willing to go even by the will of Parliament. This gives rise to fundamental questions about the functioning of Indian democracy. The year 2011 will be remembered in India as the year of the campaign against corruption and for the Jan Lokpal Bill. The campaign began in January 2011 in the backdrop of the publicity that accompanied the...
A Real Priority by Bhaskar Dutta
The Union government has tabled two bills in the Lok Sabha in the last week of the winter session. Since one of them is the lok pal bill, it has hijacked virtually all the public attention. This is a pity for two reasons. First, there is considerable doubt whether the lok pal bill — in any form — can really be the magic solution that Team Anna would like us...
More »Key changes: Armed forces out, states’ prior consent needed
-Express News Service The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill, 2011 was passed in the Lok Sabha with several amendments but the opposition BJP remained far from satisfied. The legislation now faces an uncertain fate in the Rajya Sabha where the UPA is in minority. Under attack from the opposition and allies like the DMK and Trinamool Congress over the inclusion of Lokayuktas in the bill — what they called an assault on India’s...
More »UN reports improved access to safe drinking water, but poorest still lagging
-The United Nations The internationally stated goal of improving access to safe drinking water across the globe is likely to be achieved well ahead of the 2015 deadline, but large numbers of people in the world’s least developed regions will still not benefit, according to a United Nations report released today. Reducing by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015 is one...
More »The Durban Subversion
-EPW A paradigm shift on global strategy, but will it make a difference to climate change or only pass the buck? The United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban ended dramatically with a last minute agreement of sorts, which only talks about more talks to arrive at some kind of legally binding instrument that will impose emission curbs on all countries from 2020. The agreement is simply not enough in...
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