-The Hindu In the backdrop of the ongoing agitation against nuclear power at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu and several other areas of the country, the Union Cabinet's Committee on Security has reiterated that the safety of nuclear power plants is “a matter of the highest priority” for the government. The panel, which reviewed the safety of nuclear power plants at a meeting here on Thursday, said the government had decided to invite...
Improve credit delivery in rural areas: RBI to pvt banks by Somasroy Chakraborty & Manojit Saha
At a time when the government and regulators are emphasizing inclusion and increase in credit delivery to those without access to formal sources of finance, private sector banks are found to have low credit-deposit ratios in rural areas as compared to public sector counterparts. In a recent interaction at the state-level bankers committee (SLBC) meeting, in which Reserve Bank of India governor D Subbarao was present, bankers brought this to the...
More »Jairam turns to CAG for help on NREGA by Sreelatha Menon
In a move most ministries would shy away from, Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has written to the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, requesting him for a performance and financial Audit of the National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme (NREGA), the most heavily funded flagship scheme of the UPA government. The minister has written to CAG Vinod Rai, who was recently criticised by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for calling frequent...
More »The sums don’t add up
-Live Mint It has cost me followers on Twitter, forced the government’s Auditor to take the extreme step of sending an official (he misrepresented himself as an Election Commission official) to a Mint reporter’s residence, and attracted criticism about Mint being the government’s lapdog. So, why have we been writing about irregularities in the way the Comptroller and Auditor General of India conducted its Audit of the so-called 2G scam? After all,...
More »With Rs 90,000 crore at stake, plan panel goes in for recast of panchayat system by Devika Banerji
The country's main planning body will overhaul of the system of village panchayat in the next Five-Year Plan period to improve its functioning and check siphoning of funds meant for social sector programmes. Over 250,000 panchayats or village councils in the country collectively handle about Rs 90,000 crore in social sector funds every year, but embezzlement by village representatives often prevents the benefits of welfare schemes from reaching the needy. To remedy...
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