-The Hindu While sanitation schemes in India date back to the British Raj, Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) is the latest and by far most ambitious iteration. Launched by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the end of 2014, the Rs.9,000-crore scheme aims to achieve an Open Defecation-Free (ODF) India by constructing 12 million rural household toilets across the country before October 2, 2019 — to coincide with Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birthday. But...
One in three BMC school kids malnourished, reveals RTI
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Over two decades after midday meals were introduced in city schools, one out of every three children studying in a municipal school is malnourished, an RTI reply has revealed. The data showed that undernourishment of students in these schools is accelerating with the incidence showing a four-fold jump over the last three years. In the same period, the utilization of midday meal budget fell from 81% to...
More »SBI ATM, online, cash transaction fees change from June 1: All you need to know -Ramarko Sengupta
-The Times of India State Bank of India (SBI) has revised service charges on ATM (Automated Teller Machine) withdrawals for users of its mobile app "SBI Mobile Buddy", as well as for various other cash and online transactions, effective from June 1. The country's largest lender will start charging customers Rs 25 per transaction for withdrawing Money from an ATM through its mobile wallet app from Thursday. The SBI mobile wallet allows...
More »The Indian economy finally bares its demonetisation scars -Manas Chakravarty
-Livemint.com Very low GDP growth in the fourth quarter indicates that the slowdown is likely to persist in the current quarter as well Finally, the impact of demonetisation is visible in the gross domestic product (GDP) numbers. Gross value-added (GVA) growth at constant prices fell to a mere 5.6% in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2017 (FY17), clearly showing the scars of demonetisation on the economy. That’s not all. The headline growth...
More »Shame of unpaid debt a key reason for farmer suicides, finds study -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com The RBI-commissioned study listed faulty crop choices and aspirational consumption patterns as other major factors for farmer suicides New Delhi: Shame arising out of inability to repay loans taken from relatives and acquaintances is a key reason for farmers resorting to suicide, a study commissioned by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) found. The study titled “Lives in debt: narratives of agrarian distress and farmer suicides”, conducted by researchers at Shiv Nadar...
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