-The Hindu Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Wednesday said there was a broad consensus in the Cabinet on a law to protect journalists, but an enabling provision needed to be included in it to address complaints against the media as well. Mr. Chavan refused to answer questions related to the probe into crime journalist J. Dey's killing on Saturday last. He said there was a lot of progress and a...
The discreet charm of civil society by P Sainath
There is nothing wrong in having advisory groups. But there is a problem when groups not constituted legally cross the line of demands, advice and rights-based, democratic agitation. The 1990s saw marketing whiz kids at the largest English daily in the world steal a term then in vogue among sexually discriminated minorities: PLUs — or People Like Us. Media content would henceforth be for People Like Us. This served advertisers' needs...
More »Unsung, this baba starvesto death to save the Ganga by CK Chandramohan
He was on fast for 114 days seeking ban on quarrying They may worship the same gods and cite the same scripture but all babas — and their fasts — are clearly not equal. Lionised by Politicians and the media, Baba Ramdev fasted for a few days before he ended his protest. At the first sign of weakness, BJP leader Sushma Swaraj rushed to pay him a visit. However, Swami Nigamanand, who...
More »What's in a name? by Mukul Kesavan
On June 12, Ravi Shankar Ratnam helped Ram Krishna Yadav resume eating after Yadav had fasted for a week. This wouldn’t have made the headlines of every Indian newspaper the next morning if it hadn’t been for the fact that both men had achieved a state of demi-divinity through the tried-and-tested process of Hindu name-inflation. Ram Krishna Yadav became Swami Ramdev when he took sanyas and after his extraordinary success...
More »Cyber fears by V Venkatesan
Certain provisions in the rules notified under the IT Act cause concern about the security of sensitive personal information. ON April 11, the Union Ministry of Communications and Information Technology notified new rules under the Information Technology Act, 2000, to regulate the use of the Internet. This led to widespread apprehensions that the government and private persons might gain free access to sensitive personal information concerning Internet users. The government, however,...
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