Kerala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan on Tuesday announced a comprehensive package for relief and remediation of victims of the Endosulfan pesticide in the State. The package includes higher pensions, special education, housing, drinking Water supply, rehabilitation, training and employment. Debt relief to the victims' families would also be considered. Mr. Achuthanandan made the announcement after a conference of officials, people's representatives and non-governmental organisations convened to discuss the plight of...
Summons to officials in manual scavenging issue
The Madras High Court on Wednesday directed the Secretary, Municipal Administration and Water supply (MAWS) department, and the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the Chennai Metropolitan Water supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB), to appear in person before the court on December 6 in a matter relating to manual scavenging. The First Bench comprising Chief Justice M.Y.Eqbal and Justice T.S.Sivagnanam passed the order on an additional affidavit in a contempt petition filed by A.Narayanan...
More »Obama Visit and Indian Agriculture: Profit Surge for American MNCs and Peril for Indian Farmers! by Vijoo Krishnan
A lot has been said and written about the visit of Barack Obama, the President of USA to India. The corporate media was in the usual over-enthusiastic drive to bring to its readers and viewers all minute details about his visit from where he stayed and what he ate to how many warships, planes and cars accompanied him and how a whopping $200 million was spent per day for the...
More »Growing more crops with far fewer drops by Dominic Kailashnath Waughray
A fast growing economy is a thirsty economy and India is no exception—with the country’s Water supply already under great strain, India must reassess its consumption to meet escalating demands for water to produce food and energy. Business-as-usual water practices cannot remain the same in India as the economy and its demand for freshwater grows over the coming decades. With an astounding 75% of freshwater already used for agriculture in India,...
More »Commonwealth Games: a citizen's memoir by Krishna Kumar
The opening and closing ceremonies received wide acclaim but left many citizens like me a bit terrified and confused. Now that the terms of inquiry into the conduct of the Commonwealth Games have been extended, let us hope that the process of probe will be more open than was decision-making for the CWG. Let us also hope that the review will cover the opening and closing ceremonies as well, both in...
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