-The Hindu He stressed that his government seeks to roll out inclusive reforms that will lead to better lives for people and not just better headlines in pink newspapers. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that India’s performance on all economic parameters, including inflation and foreign investments, is now better than when his government joined office 17 months back. Speaking at the Delhi Economics Conclave 2015, Mr. Modi stressed that...
In Gujarat’s Patan district, separate anganwadis for Dalit children -Ritu Pradhan
-The Indian Express In Hajipur’s two anganwadis, which take in children between six months and six years, untouchability is one of the first life lessons they learn. Patan (Gujarat): A digit separates anganwadis 159 and 160 in Hajipur village of Gujarat’s Patan district but the divisions are far greater. Now that’s complicated math for a three-year-old. So one morning, a few weeks ago, Manavi Chamar walked towards anganwadi No. 160, lost...
More »For drought-hit farmers, higher compensation still a pittance -Sanyantan Bera
-Livemint.com The govt did increase compensation for crop damage to 50% and even relaxed norms for claims but farmers will get less than a fifth of what they have lost to drought New Delhi: In April, Narendra Modi announced an increase in compensation for crop damage, a move the prime minister termed as a landmark decision and one that will impose a great burden on his government. His announcement followed unseasonal...
More »Women in the uniform civil code debate -Aakar Patel
-Livemint.com In the debate about Muslims and the uniform civil code, the idea of female choice is not considered, says Aakar Patel The upper-caste Gujarati version of bigamy is called maitri karar, meaning friendship document. Saying that people in Ahmedabad were “opting for it”, a 2013 report in India Today described it thus: “The document is in fact little more than a promise of friendship and companionship between a man and...
More »India to emerge as largest cotton producer
-PTI COIMBATORE: Trade estimates suggest that the production will be around 400 lakh bales of 170 kg each, taking India to the first position. With domestic trade estimating cotton production at around 400 lakh bales, India is expected to emerge as the largest cotton producer in the world in 2015-16. Cotton output in all major producing countries in the year, barring India, has been anticipated to be lower than the previous season. As a...
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