After vegetables, now milk will also pinch consumers, as Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, which markets dairy products under the brand Amul, on Tuesday announced a pan-India hike in milk prices by up to Rs 2 a litre. "We have increased prices of our various brands by Re 1 to Rs 1, which will come in to effect from December 30 in Gujarat and Delhi and by January 3 in other...
Milk catches onion fever
After the onion onslaught, milk misery. Amul has decided to raise milk prices by Re 1 to Rs 2 a litre, setting the stage for similar hikes by other producers across the country. Dairy products such as butter, ghee and cheese are likely to become dearer, too. The Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation, which sells products under the Amul brand, said the higher prices would be effective from December 30 in Gujarat...
More »Onion prices fall in Dindigul market
With the arrival of big onions from Pakistan and a ban on onion exports, wholesale onion market in Dindigul, one of the biggest markets in the State, witnessed a crash in the prices of big onions. However, prices of small onions remained stable. The prices of big onion that were hovering between Rs.90 a kg (top quality) and Rs.70 a kg for medium quality last week, came down to Rs.40 and...
More »Most vegetables go the onion way, prices zoom
It's not just onions that sting these days. A survey of local markets in the Capital on Wednesday showed that almost everything the neighbourhood greengrocer sells - except potatoes - has started pinching the pocket of the middle class Delhiite. Retail prices of vegetables, such as beans, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, tomato and carrot, have shot up by 25 to 60% compared to prices around this time last year. Although onion prices...
More »Unlocking the potential of rural unorganized sector
When we talk of India's mammoth work force, be it in rural or urban scenarios, what comes to mind is the 'unorganised' sector. They form the multitudes that do not 'belong' to a sector governed by a slew of measures in accordance with labour laws or employment terms defined by policy measures. These are the multitudes, which fall outside the ambit of Central Government legislation pertaining to wages and salaries....
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