-The Hindu Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Monday confirmed to a section of the Opposition that the Union government had decided to put on hold the move to allow foreign equity in the multi-brand retail sector, pending further consultations. The issue has stalled Parliament since November 25. However, it is not immediately clear whether this is enough to break the deadlock. On Monday, Mr. Mukherjee called up BJP leaders L.K. Advani and...
CBI probe into Lavasa ‘irregularities' sought
-The Hindu The National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) has demanded that the probe into alleged irregularities in Lavasa be handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation. In a letter to Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan, the Medha Patkar-led organisation also sought an in-depth enquiry into the involvement of public servants and politicians in the “scam.” The NAPM alleged that various rules were bent to grant permission for the multi-crore hill city...
More »‘Bellary-like scam in Jabalpur'
—PTI National Democratic Alliance convener and Janata Dal (United) president Sharad Yadav alleged on Sunday that a “Bellary-like mining scam” was going on in the Jabalpur-Satna region and demanded that Madhya Pradesh Government take action against those involved. “In the mineral-rich region of Jabalpur, Katni, Satna, Sidhi and Singrauli, a Bellary-like mining scam is taking place as no environmental clearances were taken for carrying out mining there,” Mr. Yadav alleged at a...
More »Unparliamentary flip flops mar FDI debate
-CNN-IBN "Many said that Kentucky (KFC) will drive the dhabas out of the market. The dhabas have driven out Kentucky. The Indian sherbet is still there despite Coca Cola and Pepsi. Don't underestimate India." That was former NDA finance minister Jaswant Singh in 2004 when he supported FDI in retail. "Fifty per cent of our population, comprising of small traders, street-vendors and the self-employed, sustain themselves through retail businesses. The UPA government...
More »Climate talks: ‘delayer countries' flex muscles by Michael Jacobs
When psychologists identified the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance — the ability to believe two contradictory things at the same time — they might have been describing the world of international climate change negotiations. Only this month, two authoritative international agencies have pointed out that the world has only a few years left in which to begin taking sufficient action to combat dangerous global warming. The United Nations Environment Programme's Bridging the Emissions...
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