-The Indian Express On Monday, the Bengali new year's day, viewers who tuned into Bengali music channel Tara Muzik witnessed a spectacle never seen before on Indian TV. Anchors of the channel and independent artistes called in to present Barsha Baran, a programme to celebrate the new year 1420, wept copiously on camera while announcing that the channel, facing an unprecedented "crisis of survival", was shutting down. Hundreds of viewers commiserated with...
Does India Inc love corruption: Not a single Indian private co part of UN initiative against graft -Vikas Dhoot
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: India Inc has been conspicuously absent from a four-year-old United Nations-led global initiative against corruption, an unflattering distinction for Indian industry that could also buttress a widespread feeling that doing business in the country is difficult without bribing officials. Not one Indian company has yet joined a global panel of companies steered by the world body to act against corruption in their businesses and pressurise governments...
More »FM P Chidambaram warns rich promoters on loan defaults
-The Economic Times Finance Minister P Chidambaram has warned corporate bigwigs against wilful defaults, reminding promoters that it was their duty to bring in additional capital if their companies got into trouble. "We cannot have an affluent promoter and a sick company," he said, in an apparent reference to the collapse of Kingfisher Airlines, owned by the flamboyant Vijay Mallya. Banks are stuck with nearly Rs 7,000 crore worth of loans they...
More »Survey: many corporates hiked budget for safety of women staff
-The Hindu Bangalore: Many corporates have responded positively to the government’s advice to increase their overall budget by 65 per cent for safety and security, especially of women, revealed a survey undertaken by ASSOCHAM Social Development Foundation (ASDF). According to the findings of the survey on ‘Women Safety and Security Budgets for 2013-14’, some corporates have hiked their budget by 65 per cent while others are in the process of doing it. The...
More »Farmers spending a fortune on borewells in parched Marathwada-Shoumojit Banerjee
-The Hindu As Marathwada’s groundwater table plummets to 500 ft, farmers here, as in other districts, are freely violating the law in a frantic bid to strike water. Mahadeo Mule has invested Rs. 1 lakh during the past five months to save his crops and livestock, drilling at five different points on his land, despite already having a borewell. He has also spent close to Rs. 35,000 on water from private...
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