-NDTV In his maiden appearance after being named Uttar Pradesh chief minister, Yogi Adityanath proclaimed that his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government would maintain a laser-like focus on the twin themes of combating corruption and restoring law and order. "In the past 15 years," Adityanath noted, "UP lagged behind in the race of development as previous governments indulged in corruption, nepotism, and failed on the law order front." Indeed, one of...
The great Finance Bill trick -Niranjan Sahoo
-DNA The political funding reforms are an embarrassment to India’s claims of heralding a transparency revolution Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s demonetization drive and his expressed desire to bring transparency in political funding, there were expectations of more concrete measures to cleanse the Augean stables of Indian politics. The government responded quickly, albeit through the Finance Bill. For the first time, the Union Budget 2017 devoted a full section (420...
More »Clean slate: Increase in MLAs with no criminal record in UP, Punjab and Goa -Prachi Salve
-India Spend Of 690 MLAs elected in UP, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Manipur and Goa, 27.8% (192) have a criminal record There has been a decrease in the number of members of legislative assembly (MLAs) with criminal records in Uttar Pradesh (UP), Punjab and Goa of the five states that elected new state governments, according to our analysis of data compiled by Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), an advocacy. Of 690 MLAs elected in UP,...
More »Freedom with defects -Ramachandra Guha
-The Telegraph After the third general elections held in 1962, the scholar-statesman, C. Rajagopalachari, wrote a fascinating, if now forgotten, essay on the imperfections of our young democracy. "The Indian electorate", remarked Rajaji, "suffers from well-known defects from which Western democracies are relatively free. The Indian voters are in great measure poor and vulnerable to bribery: even a day's expense for food serves to buy a large number of the poor...
More »The devil is in the fine print -Yogendra Yadav
-The Hindu Electoral reforms announced in the Budget are not what they are claimed to be — they will neither cleanse our politics nor bring transparency Given his interest in cricket, this must be called Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s ‘doosra’. His announcement on electoral reforms in his Budget speech combined an element of surprise, some degree of deception and a sleight of hand — all that go into a doosra in cricket....
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