-The Hindu Recorded incidents of agrarian riots jumped 327 per cent from 628 in 2014 to 2,683 in 2015. New Delhi: Incidents of rioting remained almost the same in 2015 as compared to 2014, but as communal riots decreased, big increases were seen in other categories — agrarian, sectarian and student riots and caste conflicts, data from the “Crime in India” report for 2015 released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)...
Untouched by economic growth: One in 4 beggars in India a Muslim, reveals census -Zia Haq
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Almost a quarter of India’s 370,000 beggars are Muslims, newly released data from the 2011 Census show, reinforcing that the community still lags behind on most counts despite the country’s rapid economic growth. Muslims, the largest minority who make up 14.2% of India’s 1.25-billion population, come out pretty much at the bottom of most socio-economic indices, even a decade after a high-level government probe into their historical disadvantages...
More »Suicide stats show wide gap between SCs and others in Gujarat, Tripura -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Indian Express Muslims have among the lowest suicide rates in the country at 7. The suicide rate among Dalits in Gujarat and Tripura is nearly 1½ times the overall suicide rate in each state. This emerges from government data collected on suicides across the country based on caste and religion. The data, collected by NCRB in 2014 but never published, were accessed by The Indian Express through RTI. They show the average...
More »Coming soon: Clause in real estate bill to check bias against religion, sexual orientation, diet -Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express The anti-discrimination clause will provide recourse to buyers who are denied a house by builders owing to their caste, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, dietary choices or any such factors. The Centre is set to introduce an anti-discriminatory clause in rules under the real estate Act to curb the practice of builders refusing to sell their apartments based on a buyer’s religion, marital status or dietary preferences. The Real Estate...
More »When the landlord doesn’t call back -Saugato Datta & Vikram Pathania
-The Indian Express A study in the National Capital Region shows why the search for a house is longer and more arduous for a Muslim tenant. Earlier this month, this newspaper reported that a Muslim IAS aspirant in Pune resorted to a “Hindu” pseudonym to overcome the difficulty of obtaining paying-guest accommodation. Keen followers of the news from India, like us, recognise this as an example of periodic reports from cities...
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