-Scroll.in The RBI had first flagged serious lapses in the bank’s governance in 2018. The Centre invested Rs 250 crore with private lender Yes Bank in the financial year 2019-’20 even though the Reserve Bank of India had deemed the bank as risky in 2018, shows the financial statement of the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund. The Investment in Yes Bank Fixed Deposit Receipts was made even as Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman last...
Modi’s net worth ₹3.07 crore, rises by ₹22 lakh, as per his latest declaration -Saubhadra Chatterji
-Hindustan Times PM Modi, like many ministers, doesn’t have any stock market exposure and his Investments continue to be in the form of National Savings Certificate ( ₹8.9 lakh), life insurance policies ( ₹1.5 lakh) and L&T infrastructure bonds, which he bought in 2012 for ₹20,000 Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s net worth is ₹3.07 crore as per his latest declaration, a rise of ₹22 lakh from last year’s ₹2.85 crore, according to...
More »India's income divide narrows, wealth divide persists: Survey data -Ishaan Gera
-Business Standard The top 10 per cent among the country's households own more than 50 per cent of the assets. India’s top 10 per cent households three years ago held 55.67 per cent of the wealth in urban areas and 50.84 per cent of it in rural, shows data released by a state survey last week. Results from the National Sample Survey Organisation’s All India Debt and Investment Survey (AIDIS) for 2018-19 are...
More »Delhi Master Plan 2041: What will it really take to create a city without slums? -Gautam Bhan
-Scroll.in The In-Situ Slum Rehabilitation model offered by planners is deeply flawed. Let us assume that the goal is uncontested – Delhi, in 2041, should be without the inadequate housing, absent services, and insecure tenure that define the “slum” or the “jhuggi jhopdi cluster”. Getting there is not easy. Delhi has over 757 jhuggi jhopdi clusters that house (officially) between 11%-15% of the city’s population in neighbourhoods not just materially vulnerable but lacking...
More »What the Latest NSS Survey Tells us About the State of Farmers in India -Siraj Hussain and Seema Bathla
-TheWire.in The detailed socio-economic data set provides insight into a farmer’s Investment behaviour, level of indebtedness and income earned from various activities. The recent release of the decennial NSS 77th round Situation Assessment of Agricultural Households (SAS) is a welcome development for agriculture and allied sectors. The detailed socio-economic data set provides insight into a farmer’s Investment behaviour, level of indebtedness and income earned from various activities. An analysis of these and other...
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