-The Hindu Maharashtra adds 47,288 cases, followed by Chhattisgarh with 7,302 and Karnataka with 5,279 After Reporting a record spike of more than 1 lakh new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, India reported 96,580 fresh infections and 440 deaths as of 11.55 p.m. on Monday. The decrease in cases was largely due to a reduced number of tests. As many as 8.93 lakh new samples were tested on Sunday (and for which results were...
How updated land records can help revive rural economy -Prerna Prabhakar
-The Indian Express With livelihoods affected during the pandemic, the importance of land ownership for access to formal loans as well as government relief programmes became more evident. But the relatively poor availability of clear and updated land titles remains a hurdle. For a significant section of the rural poor, land is both an asset and a source of livelihood. Many informal jobs in the urban centres were lost as the economy...
More »Curbs on Indian media continue: U.S. rights report -Sriram Lakshman
-The Hindu Notes several instances of govt pressure on media outlets Washington DC: In its 2020 Human Rights Report, the U.S. State Department said the harassment and detention of journalists critical of the (Indian) government in their Reporting and on social media, has continued, although the government generally respected the freedom of expression. It also said government’s requests for user data from Internet companies had increased “dramatically.” The report, which is submitted each...
More »Surge in cases a cause of concern: Health Ministry
-The Hindu Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru Urban among 10 districts with highest case load The surge in the number of COVID-19 cases has gone “from bad to worse”, said member (health) of the NITI Aayog V.K. Paul on Tuesday as India registered 56,211 new cases in the last 24 hours. Dr Paul said 10 districts across India including Pune (59,475), Mumbai (46,248), Nagpur ( 45,322), Thane (35,264), Nashik (26,553), Aurangabad (21,282) and Bengaluru Urban...
More »India Reports Over 68,000 Covid Cases In Biggest 1-Day Surge Since Oct -Parimal Kumar
-NDTV.com India Covid-19 Cases: Total now stands at 1.2 crore with 1,61,843 deaths recorded till. New Delhi: Up to 68,020 fresh coronavirus cases were reported in India over the past 24 hours, making it the biggest one-day surge since October, Union Health Ministry data indicate. This includes 291 deaths. The total number of active cases has risen by 35,498, it show. The total number of Covid-19 cases in the country now stands at...
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