-The Hindu In a move that could significantly alter the nature of professional journalism in the country, Press Council of India (PCI) chairman Justice Markandey Katju has set up a committee to determine the minimum qualification for a journalist. The move has drawn sharp reactions from media practitioners and experts. In a press note issued on Tuesday, Justice Katju stated that in contrast with other professions such as medicine, law and teaching,...
Water: Towards a Paradigm Shift in the Twelfth Plan -Mihir Shah
-Economic and Political Weekly The Twelfth Plan proposes a fundamental change in the principles, approach and strategies of water management in India. This paradigm shift was the outcome of a new and inclusive process of plan formulation, which saw the coming together of practitioners and professionals from government, academia, industry and civil society to draft the Plan. For more, please click here ...
More »Step forward in rural healthcare programme, MCI kept out -Abantika Ghosh
-The Indian Express Having earlier changed the name of the course to accommodate doctors’ opposition, the Health Ministry has now asked the National Board of Examinations (NBE) to conduct the B.Sc (Community Health) programme, instead of the Medical Council of India (MCI) as was originally planned. The board, that organises post-graduate medical examinations, formally gave its approval Saturday. Under this programme, rural healthcare workers will receive training, a project the ministry has...
More »Get TB drugs at shops free, govt to pay up -Durgesh Nandan Jha
-The Times of India In a move to curb multi-drug resistant tuberculosis cases caused mostly because of irregular medication, the government has decided that relevant medicines will be available for free at all chemist shops and corporate hospitals. The scheme will be rolled out across the country by next March. A patient, confirmed positive for TB by a qualified doctor, simply needs to register with the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP). The...
More »Cashing in-MK Venu
-The Indian Express The UPA’s cash transfer scheme — delivering over Rs.3.2 lakh crore in subsidies and welfare programmes to the poor, directly to their bank accounts — has raised fears in many quarters about the capacity of a rickety state apparatus to cope with messy implementation issues. Our collective self-confidence about being able to implement any new policy is so low today, we seem to be paralysed by the mere...
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