-The Times of India When Congress general secretary rahul gandhi asked students of Bengaluru's Mount Carmel if the Modi government's Swachh Bharat Mission was working, he got a mixed response. An analysis of the campaign, well over a year now, shows the progress report is mixed too. Last year, on October 2, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced the ambitious Swachh Bharat Mission, promising to provide toilets to Indian households that still...
Nearly half of India’s districts drought-hit as crisis accelerates -Samar Halarnkar
-Hindustan Times India, the father of the nation famously said, lives in its villages, or, as many call it, Bharat. There is no doubt that a great shift is underway: As 600 million move out of rural areas over the next 35 years, India will need about 500 new cities. But unless Bharat offers a fraction of the hope that ushered in Narendra Modi’s era, the ongoing urban transformation of India...
More »Over 47k crimes against Dalits in 2014, 21 killed in Haryana: NCRB -Bharti Jain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: rahul gandhi may claim that Dalits are being increasingly targeted under the present dispensation but statistics put out by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) during the last few years when UPA was in power show that crimes against Scheduled Castes rose almost steadily to 47,064 in 2014 from 39,408 in 2013 (19%), 33,655 in 2012 (17%), 33,719 in 2011, 32,712 in 2010 and 33,594 in...
More »Suicides mirror drought-hit Odisha’s growing farm crisis -Priya Ranjan Sahu
-Hindustan Times Bhubaneswar: Debt and drought have reportedly forced five Odisha farmers to commit suicide in as many days, prompting the human rights commission on Tuesday to take note of the state’s deepening farm crisis. The farmers — all of them in their 40s — allegedly took the drastic step after their paddy crop wilted because of scanty rainfall and they have loans to repay. In another case, it was cotton. At least...
More »Karnataka waives interest on crop loans, announces relief package
-PTI The govt would also increase monthly widow pension from Rs 500 to Rs 2,000 in the families of farmers who had committed suicide Haveri (Karnataka): Providing succour to distressed farmers, the Karnataka government today announced waiver of interest and penal interest on crop loans from cooperative banks for the current fiscal and hike in compensation from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh to families of farmers who had committed suicide. The...
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