-The Hindu Mahila Kisan Sansad brings together pARTicipants from all walks of life. Among those who were members of the Mahila Kisan Sansad on Monday were an Assistant Professor from Punjab, wife of an Army officer and a homemaker who occasionally works towards women empowerment in her village in Haryana. Amandeep Kaur Sandhu (32), Assistant Professor at a college in village Baba Sang Dhesian, said back home, people used to believe that women...
Water and Agricultural Transformation in India: A Symbiotic Relationship -- II -Mihir Shah, PS Vijayshankar and Francesca Harris
-Economic and Political Weekly An argument for twin propositions is presented in this two-pART paper: (i) that solving India’s water problem requires a paradigm shift in agriculture (PART I), and (ii) that the crisis in Indian agriculture cannot be resolved without a paradigm shift in water management and governance (PART II). The second pART describes the paradigm shift needed in water, which includes rejuvenation of catchment areas of rivers, a shift...
More »Slums in Mumbai's suburbs are sitting on death traps -Alok Deshpande
-The Hindu The densely populated slums on the hilly slopes of the Mumbai suburbs are sitting on deathtraps as the recent disaster in Chembur demonstrated. Alok Deshpande reports on the tragedy that took lives and swept away houses, once again highlighting the need for a comprehensive and sustainable plan for the ever-expanding city Subhash Ghashing, 21, took out his mobile phone and logged on to play an online warfare game at around...
More »Pegasus scandal shows that intelligence gathering urgently needs parliamentary oversight in India -Shoaib Daniyal
-Scroll.in In a world of powerful spying tools, Indian democracy urgently needs checks on intelligence gathering. With allegations that opposition leaders, Union ministers, bureaucrats, an election commissioner and even a Supreme Court judge could have been spied on, the Pegasus spyware scandal points to one of the most egregious misuses of power in India’s history. The Israeli manufacturer of Pegasus insists that it only sells its weapons-grade spyware to governments, prompting allegations that...
More »Will the new e-commerce rules really favour consumers? -Prashanth Perumal
-The Hindu The intent of the rules is unclear and there are several consumer protection rules already in place In June, the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution came out with a list of proposed amendments to the Consumer Protection Act of 2019. These include appointment of a Chief Compliance Officer and a Resident Grievance Officer, provisions of fallback liability, registration of e-commerce entities and a ban on flash...
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