-The Indian Express Drought poses major setback to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in Maharashtra. Pune: Ekurke was a success story that inspired many. In 2013, this village in Osmbanabad district’s Kalamb tehsil built 350 toilets in a short span of one-and-a-half months to end the shame of having to defecate in the open. The concerted efforts by the villagers led to the transformation of their village once “infamously dirty” into one where each...
After Nehru, Rajasthan now axes RTI Act from textbook
-The Indian Express Organisation that played a big role in state to make RTI a national Act to write to Chief Minister on the issue Jaipur: After doing away with references to India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and several other other freedom fighters from school History curriculum, the Rajasthan government’s revised syllabus has also removed a page highlighting the Right to Information (RTI) Act. A prominent section on page 105, which...
More »An IP policy with no innovation -Shamnad Basheer
-The Hindu Intellectual property accelerates innovation in certain technology sectors, but it impedes innovation in others. The biggest flaw of the new policy is that it does not acknowledge this. Intellectual property (IP) regimes suffer a classic paradox. While they attempt to encourage innovation and creativity, they have themselves been shielded from innovation experimentation. For some years now, India has been attempting to break this mould and craft a regime to suit...
More »Good news: Mumbai's child sex ratio of 933 at all-time high -Sumitra Deb Roy
-The Times of India The city's child sex ratio reached an all time high in 2015, with 933 girls born per 1,000 boys, significantly ahead of the national average of 918. But several wards of the city bucked the progressive trend to register a worrying gap. As per recently released BMC data, 11of 24 wards registered a dip in the ratio, indicative of a strong bias towards the male child, compared with...
More »Laws prescribing educational qualifications for contesting elections are undemocratic -Christophe Jaffrelot
-The Indian Express In Haryana, a new law makes it mandatory for a general male candidate to pass Class X and a general woman candidate to pass Class VIII Politicians’ educational qualifications seems to be a major issue in India today. On the one hand, Arvind Kejriwal has asked for more evidence that Prime Minister Narendra Modi got his BA degree Delhi University, and on the other, documents pertaining to Union...
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