-The Hindu Business Line The primary mandate of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) acting under directions of Food Ministry is to service requirements of the public distribution system (PDS) in association with State Government Agencies (SGAs). But over the years, FCI has also been called upon to intervene in managing market prices, albeit with little success. FCI efficiently procures wheat, paddy/milled rice but faces odds while selling surplus grains in the...
CBGA ’ s Press Release on Union Budget 2014-15
-Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability New Delhi: The first budget of the new government offers few changes in terms of policy priorities from the interim budget for 2014-15 presented earlier this year, but it does reinforce some of the pro-market inclinations that had defined the last three budgets of the UPA-II government. The total size of the Union Budget in 2014-15 was projected in the interim budget to be...
More »Subsidised wheat: CAG points out over Rs. 18 cr avoidable expenditure
-The Hindustan Times Chandigarh: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has pointed out an avoidable expenditure of Rs. 18.59 crore on giving subsidised wheat to more than 1.73 lakh ineligible below poverty line (BPL) card holders in Haryana between December 2011 and March 2013. The CAG report on social, general and economic sectors, tabled in the Haryana Vidhan Sabha on Monday, pointed out that the Haryana food and supplies department...
More »Need to focus on minimum living incomes for farmers -Kavitha Kuruganti
-Deccan Herald The National Crime Records Bureau's data for 2013 is out, and farm suicides are pegged at 11,772 -- not very different from the earlier years.Many activists point out how these figures are in fact under-reported. In a country where the cultivators' numbers are plummeting drastically as the Census 2011 data shows, this unabated trend of farm suicides is something that any government should take note of. The central aspect to this...
More »Community farming boon for Odisha tribal women -Hemanta Kumar Pradhan
-The Pioneer Bhubaneswar: Community farming has shown a way of livelihood for women in the State in general and tribal districts in particular. The model in agriculture sector has made the women folk more confident and self-reliant than ever before. Community farming is also called as group farming where farmers cultivate crops in groups. In this form of farming, a group of people give a share for the expenditure and work unitedly....
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