Days after the government placed the CBI under the category of organisations “exempt” from the RTI Act, the country’s first Chief Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah has “requested” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to let the Central agency remain within the ambit of the transparency Act as “public interest would best be served by keeping these bodies transparent and accountable within the limits of the law”. However, the CBI has defended the move...
CST armoury not a prohibited area, reveals RTI query by Meena Menon
MiD-Day's Akela was arrested under the Official Secrets Act over exposé on poor storage there WhileMiD-Day journalist Tarakant Dwivedi alias Akela was arrested and jailed last month under the Official Secrets Act (OSA), 1923, for doing a story on the poor storage of sophisticated weaponry at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), a Right to Information (RTI) query has revealed that the Railway Protection Force (RPF) armoury at the CST was not a...
More »‘Decision to keep CBI out of RTI is illegal, illegitimate’ by Chetan Chauhan
The government’s decision to exempt the CBI from the RTI Act has been termed as “illegal and illegitimate” by civil society activists. On Saturday, the members — Team Anna and the National Campaign for People’s Right to Information (NCPRI) — lambasted the move, saying it revealed the government’s true colours on the transparency issue. “It only serves the government’s purpose to keep the CBI corrupt, opaque and thus pliant. As long as...
More »The discreet charm of civil society by P Sainath
There is nothing wrong in having advisory groups. But there is a problem when groups not constituted legally cross the line of demands, advice and rights-based, democratic agitation. The 1990s saw marketing whiz kids at the largest English daily in the world steal a term then in vogue among sexually discriminated minorities: PLUs — or People Like Us. Media content would henceforth be for People Like Us. This served advertisers' needs...
More »Cyber fears by V Venkatesan
Certain provisions in the rules notified under the IT Act cause concern about the security of sensitive personal information. ON April 11, the Union Ministry of Communications and Information Technology notified new rules under the Information Technology Act, 2000, to regulate the use of the Internet. This led to widespread apprehensions that the government and private persons might gain free access to sensitive personal information concerning Internet users. The government, however,...
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