Only 18 per cent cases registered under dowry death charges end up in conviction, statistics available with the Delhi Police reveal. According to the Delhi Police figures, a dowry death is reported in the city every third day. Of the 681 people arrested under the sections of dowry death in Delhi, only 207 were convicted of the charges and sent to jail. Around four years ago, the Delhi Police had issued a...
Media Follies and Supreme Infallibility by Sukumar Muralidharan
The Supreme Court has taken steps to lay down a code for media reporting. This attempt at prior restraint on the media is a dangerous move with precedent from authoritarian polities. In a context where the judiciary has been lax in defending the media from attacks which seek to curb its freedom, such unilateral moves will not remedy bad reporting but rather make conditions worse for the media to play...
More »Sangma seeks student cover
-The Telegraph Meghalaya chief minister today called for a legislation that would protect students from the Northeast from “insensitive behaviour”, almost a week after his niece, Dana Sangma, killed herself in a Delhi hostel after being allegedly ill-treated by an invigilator. Speaking to reporters at the Delhi Press Club today, Sangma asserted that Dana was targeted only because of her background. The 21-year-old, writing her second semester MBA examination at Amity Business School...
More »Dowry stalks urban India-Karn Pratap Singh
-The Hindustan Times Killing of women for dowry is no longer a rural phenomenon. The menace is fast catching up with the metropolitan elite - those who are considered educated, civil and well to do. Also, it is no more confined to the arranged marriages but afflicting matrimonial bonds that emerge out of years of courtship and love. The fact that 12 women are either killed or forced to die for dowry each...
More »Give debt relief or Trinamool will step up heat: Mamata-Sumit Sen & Nirmalya Banerjee
West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday threatened to bring her anger to the streets of New Delhi and launch an agitation in the capital if the Centre didn't give in to her demand for a moratorium on debt repayment. In a rare and exclusive interview to TOI at the Writers' Buildings in Kolkata, the Trinamool Congress chief didn't once utter the words "threat" or "pullout", but her message was...
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