-The Indian Express The officials involved in the scam allegedly shared the login and password details with brokers. The latter, in turn, earned up to Rs 2,000 per beneficiary. Since March, two instalments have been paid out per beneficiary. Channai: THE Tamil Nadu government has discovered a scam amounting to over Rs 110 crore in the PM-Kisan Scheme, with money withdrawn fraudulently online with the help of government officials and local-level politicians....
Job losses among SCs were three times higher than for upper castes: Economist Ashwini Deshpande -Shreehari Paliath
-India Spend/ Scroll.in Reservations are not the answer to every social and economic problem. More needs to be done to provide safety nets to vulnerable groups. About 10 crore to 12 crore Indians lost their jobs in the immediate aftermath of the countrywide lockdown to contain the spread of Covid-19, IndiaSpend reported in April. But the lockdown has impacted the disadvantaged caste groups with a far greater magnitude than the upper castes, found...
More »MILES TO GO… Organic and natural farming still have a lot of ground to cover in India, says new CSE report
-Centre for Science and Environment * Niti Aayog vice chairperson Rajiv Kumar releases the report, which provides the real picture of organic farming in India: only 2 per cent of India’s net sown area organically farmed, and a mere 1.3 per cent of farmers registered to do organic farming * Organic and natural farming must be upscaled to make Indian agriculture sustainable, says the report * Needs to be turned into a mass...
More »Chhattisgarh reopens its anganwadis to provide daily hot nutritious meals -Sarah Khan
-GaonConnection.com Chhattisgarh has become the FIRst state in the country to reopen its anganwadi centres amid the COVID-19 to offer health and nutrition services to kids and women After remaining shut for almost half a year, 55,000 anganwadis in Chhattisgarh reopened yesterday on September 7 to provide hot nutritious meals and health services to 1.5 million children under the age of six years, and 0.5 million pregnant and lactating women registered with...
More »Growth in agriculture is not remunerative to Indian farmers -Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth Exceptional growth in agriculture and acreage in kharif season precipitate a crisis like never before for farmers In recent times, agriculture made headlines for all the wrong reasons: Farmers quitting cultivation; the sector turning into a perennial loss-making enterprise; and the country’s official policy to downsize the dependence on agriculture to reduce overall economic hardship among the poorest of the population. Agriculture’s fast-declining economic importance reached such an extent...
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