Usha Thiruvengadam, a trained Carnatic vocalist and violin player, has been searching for a job in government-run schools as a music teacher for the past five years. Her struggle for a job despite her disability has earned her a great deal of respect from many of her friends. They also note: “Her husband did not marry her for the assistance. He takes her everywhere.” For many other visually challenged women, trusting...
RTE Act awareness imperative by Meera Srinivasan
Notification of rules is a step forward, but a lot more needs to be done A bunch of children selling toys at a traffic signal, small boys cleaning tables at restaurants or washing glasses at tea shops or little girls engaged as baby sitters – the effective implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, will possibly make such instances a thing of the past. However, for...
More »Why India needs democracy by Markandey Katju
What is our national aim? To my mind, our national aim must be to make India a highly prosperous country for its citizens, and for that it is necessary to have a high degree of industrialization. Even setting up and running a single primary school requires a lot of money, e.g. for buying land, erecting the school building and providing for the recurrent expenditure for salaries of teachers, staff, etc. We...
More »The nun's tale by Sreelatha Menon
The killing of Sister Valsa John over tribal rights is another episode of land dispute in the coal belt Why would 40 people kill a solitary nun in a remote village in coal-rich Dhumka in Jharkhand? Sister Valsa John is better known as an activist than a nun of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary. She left her home in Kerala and moved to Jharkhand two decades ago as...
More »Barefoot-An unfinished agenda by Harsh Mander
We have five million children in the labour market, say official figures. Their actual numbers may be four times as many. As a nation, we have failed each one of them… Millions of our children still labour today, in factories, farms, kilns, mines, homes and city waste dumps, when they should be in school or in a playground. We profoundly fail these children, collectively depriving them of education, play, rest, healthy...
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