-The Hindustan Times The Centre, it seems, might again be required to go in a damage control mode and account for the loss of Rs. 45 crore worth of foodgrain in the past five years. The data was accessed by Hindustan Times through Right to Information. And as per our calculation, the grains, damaged mostly during handling and storage, could have fed at least 250,000 people per year. The government had earlier admitted...
Following the domestic iron ore trail-Sudipto Mondal
-The Hindu The travails of an official who tried to trace the route, destination of the ore THE STORY SO FAR A six-month investigation by The Hindu shows that 350 million tonnes of iron ore was Transported out of Bellary between 2006 and 2010 costing the exchequer over Rs. 1 lakh crore. The Lokayukta report had pegged the loss at Rs. 12,228 crore. Our investigation showed that 200 million tonnes of ore was...
More »No Country For Countrymen -Arun Sinha
-Outlook As the Manmohan Singh government makes evident its unfriendliness to villages, the nation hurtles towards disaster. It's a danger no one wants to face. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been trying for years to make us believe that agriculture is a vast marshland in which a huge population is stuck ankle- to neck-deep and it is his duty to rescue them. "Our salvation lies in moving people out of agriculture," he...
More »Forest officials seize 5,000 tortoises in AP-Rajulapudi Srinivas
-The Hindu VIJAYAWADA: The Krishna District Forest Department authorities (of Wildlife Management) seized about 5,000 tortoises being Transported illegally on Tuesday. On a tip-off, the team led by Divisional Forest Officer (Wildlife) G. Anand conducted a raid in Kalidindi mandal in the wee hours and recovered the tortoises packed in 70 gunny bags. The tortoises were being smuggled to Odisha State, said the DFO. "About 100 tortoises were packed in each gunny bag....
More »Banned pesticide residues found in vegetable samples -KA Martin
-The Hindu Kochi: The Kerala Agricultural University has found "dangerous levels" of pesticide residue in key vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, vegetable cowpea (achinga), amaranthus red, small red onions, tomatoes, green chillies and curry leaves, among others. The residue includes that of the banned Profenofos, which falls into the yellow category (second level of pesticides in the toxicity classification) and which has translaminar action (the toxin entering the plant system primarily by roots,...
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