-The New Indian Express The state health minister T S Singh Deo said that it is "Not Safe" to use any vaccine, which remains in clinical trial mode. RAIPUR: Congress-ruled Chhattisgarh government has categorically declared that it is not in favour of using indigenous COVID19-Covaxin in the vaccination process in the state unless it has completed the recommended testing process with absolute authentication and success. The state health minister T S Singh Deo...
Don’t laugh at US so soon, it has survived its populist moment far better than rest of us -Mihir Sharma
-ThePrint.in In comparison to countries such as Russia, Turkey, Hungary, India, American institutions (media and judiciary) have demonstrated their value and resilience In much of the world, the sight of a mob storming the United States Capitol to keep their leader in office was met not just with horror but with, let’s face it, schadenfreude. Finally! The U.S., which has for decades lectured other democracies about their imperfections and failures, had an...
More »The post-COVID priority: Budget needs to ramp up spending on health and education -S Mahendra Dev
-The Indian Express Budget needs to ramp up spending on health and education. Pandemic has enhanced inequalities, shown up absence of safety nets. India is committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, and social sector development is important in reaching them. Progress in this sector has intrinsic (for its own sake) and instrumental (for higher growth) value. It is needed even to build a $5 trillion economy faster. Inequalities...
More »Improving diet of low-income households only way to address chronic malnutrition -Veena S Rao
-The Indian Express Raising the diet of our people from subsistence level to higher levels of nourishment by overcoming the triple deficit is the only way to improve the nutritional indicators of our population — amongst children, adolescents and adults. It is nearly a month since the first phase of the NFHS-5 survey was published. While we await a response from the government or any policy-making authority, several articles by public health/policy...
More »COVID effect: 8.4 lakh migrants back in Kerala from abroad, 5.5 lakh lost their jobs -Shaju Philip
-The Indian Express With the figures indicating that the job crisis triggered by COVID-19 continues, Kerala economy may be facing long-term impact, with remittances from abroad, mainly West Asia, its lifeline. Thiruvananthapuram: AMIDST the COVID-19 pandemic-induced economic crisis, 5.52 lakh people who have returned to Kerala from abroad since May last year have given loss of jobs as reason, according to government data. As per figures compiled by the Department of Non-Resident Keralites...
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