-The Hindu Suspended Trinamool Congress MP Kunal Ghosh was arrested on Saturday after the investigating authorities found prima facie Evidence against him in connection with the Saradha Ponzi scam. Briefing reporters, Arnab Ghosh, Deputy Commissioner, Detective Department of the Bidhannagar City Police, said: "Prima facie Evidence indicates that Kunal Ghosh played an equal part in the conspiracy." The Saradha group, which allegedly duped people of over Rs. 2,300 crore through its various Ponzi...
Lay care helps mentally ill -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Trained health workers and even schoolteachers can provide effective care to patients with an array of mental disorders and make up for shortages of psychiatrists, medical researchers from India and Europe said on Wednesday. The researchers, who examined experiments done in 22 developing countries including India, have found that doctors, nurses and even lay health workers untrained in mental health or neurology can provide health care to mentally...
More »Begin at home -Neetha N
-The Indian Express Domestic workers must be brought within the purview of labour laws. The extreme abuse and mistreatment of domestic workers is becoming a part of day-to-day city life, as the recent cases of brutality in Delhi show. This is not to suggest that such incidents never occurred before, but the intensity and scale of such brutal violence are definitely becoming worse. This is alarming, given that there has been a...
More »Risky Behaviors Constitute Growing Threats to Global Health
-The World Bank Policy Interventions Can Turn the Tide, Says World Bank Report WASHINGTON: A new World Bank report warns that risky behaviors -smoking, using illicit drugs, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diets, and unsafe sex- are increasing globally and pose a growing threat to the health of individuals, particularly in developing countries. The report looks at how individual choices that lead to these behaviors are formed and reviews the effectiveness of interventions...
More »Why Tehelka's response is wrong at so many levels-Siddharth Varadarajan
-NDTV Sexual harassment and sexual assault are crimes no matter when or where they occur and those responsible must be held accountable under the law. When these crimes happen at the workplace and involve a senior person abusing his authority to put a female worker under pressure, the company concerned also has an institutional legal responsibility to investigate and take action. When that workplace happens to be a magazine, newspaper or...
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