-The Hindu On Saturday, tur was selling at an average official rate of Rs.178 per kg and urad at Rs.154 per kg in retail markets. Still grappling with high prices of pulses, particularly tur and urad, the Centre on Saturday asked the States to make cheaper lentils available to consumers, particularly the vulnerable sections, through the Public Distribution System. It has asked the States to indicate their requirement of pulses for distribution through...
Govt to come out with quarterly, annual employment surveys -Surabhi
-The Hindu Business Line Will help policymakers, analysts calculate impact of decisions on real-time job market The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation is set to launch quarterly and annual surveys on employment. “We are in the process of getting administrative clearances. The methodology has already been finalised and the surveys should be launched soon,” said TCA Anant, the country’s Chief Statistician. Once this is done, it is expected to bridge a major deficit...
More »Government in overdrive to rein in prices of pulses -Dilip Kumar Jha & Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Plans to enhance buffer stock to 500,000 tonnes; Gujarat exempts importers from stock limit Even as retail prices of pulses continued to exceed Rs 200 a kg in some cities, the Centre stepped up its countrywide crackdown on hoarders and black marketers. The central government claims to have seized around 50,000 tonnes of pulses so far from 10 states, about 15,000 tonnes in the last few days alone. Officials say the...
More »It’s 'sushasan' vs. development -Vikas Pathak
-The Hindu In Bihar, ‘development’ comes laced with caste. For the upper castes, it is Modi’s pitch on investment that matters while for Backward Classes, Nitish’s social welfare agenda makes him a governance icon. The BJP, having no regional match for Nitish, has banked on Modi’s popularity. “Development” is a word that one encounters frequently across poll-bound Bihar, with people across caste lines using it to explain their political preferences. However, this...
More »HC vacancies hit 39% amid executive-judiciary face-off -Shankar Raghuraman
-The Times of india The stand-off between the judiciary and the legislature over the procedure for appointing judges comes at a time when the country's 24 high courts have 397 pending vacancies for judges, and what's more, eight of them having acting chief justices. It is not clear at this point whether these vacancies can now be filled through the earlier collegium system or that will have to wait till the system...
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