-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Friday refused to interfere with the Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand poll schedule announced by the Election Commission (EC). A Bench of Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia and Justices A.K. Patnaik and Swatanter Kumar dismissed a public interest writ petition seeking rescheduling of the Assembly elections, holding that it was not for the court to decide the schedule. Petitioner C. P. Vyas said that while the U.P. Assembly elections...
Drought hits Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh; food prices set to surge by Jayashree Bhosale
Maharashtra teeters on the brink while Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, two key states contributing significantly to grain production, have already declared a drought, potentially exacerbating agrarian distress and adversely impacting food prices. Supply of pulses, sugarcane, oilseeds, soyabean and coarse grain such as bajra and jowar, is likely to be hit, with production in the rabi season, or the winter harvest, set to decline between 25% and more than 40%, compared...
More »Secular Thoughts by KN Panikkar
Without equality, democracy and social justice, which are three interrelated factors, secularism cannot exist as a positive value in society. I HAVE known Prof. Romila Thapar for about 45 years, most of it as a colleague at the Centre for Historical Studies of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Romila, as she is called by almost everybody – from her eight-year-old grandnephew to all of us present here – had helped to...
More »Why are patients in cold outside AIIMS: SC
-The Times of India "The cold, not cancer, may kill me" - the TOI story on the pitiable condition of patients and relatives braving the biting cold in wait for a bed in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) drew an anguished reaction from the Supreme Court, which on Friday asked the Delhi government to urgently set up a night shelter either inside or close to the prestigious hospital. A bench...
More »Yellow rust strikes wheat in northern India by Jyotika Sood
ICAR, agricultural universities and state agriculture departments issue advisories, alerts Agriculture departments in northern Indian states have been put on high alert following the appearance of yellow rust disease in wheat crops in parts of Ropar district in Punjab and Una district in Himachal Pradesh. Yellow rust is a fungal disease which manifests as powdery yellow stripes on leaves. These stripes hinder photosynthesis, make the grains shrivel and stunt growth of the...
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