Total outlay for School Education is Rs.13,334 crore Students of classes X, XI and XII in government and government-aided schools will be entitled to an incentive after completion of schooling, Finance Minister O. Pannerselvam told the Assembly in the Budget speech for 2011-12 here on Thursday. The total outlay for School Education is Rs.13,334 crore. While students of classes X and XI would receive Rs.1,500 each per year for completion, students of...
Bastar’s choice: Take up gun for govt or Maoists by Jaideep Hardikar
Nandkumar Naitam is relieved after a month of “torturous” anxiety. “I thought it over again and again,” the 20-year-old tribal youth says. “I thought that if I couldn’t get a rifle, I’d pick up my traditional weapon, the bow-and-arrow.” It was a desperation that Nandu, as he is fondly called, shared with his 5,000-odd fellow special police officers (SPOs), who till a month ago formed the Chhattisgarh government’s frontline against the Maoists...
More »Community mobilization on RTE planned by Akshaya Mukul
Faced with lack of awareness about the provisions of Right to Education Act, a massive 100-day campaign involving community mobilization will be launched from November 11, the national Education Day. The decision was taken last week in the meeting of National Advisory Council of RTE. A task force headed by Kiran Karnik, former chairperson of Nasscom, gave a report on community mobilization for RTE. Karnik said Knowledge about RTE, "a...
More »Govt. to set up National Environment Appraisal and Monitoring Authority for environmental clearance of projects
-The Economic Times Govt. to set up National Environment Appraisal and Monitoring Authority for environmental clearance of projects Prime MinisterManmohan Singh hit the nail on the head when he declared that the environment cannot be protected by perpetuating poverty. But the regulatory framework forenvironmental clearance of development projects needs urgent streamlining and reform . Dr Singh added that the Centre would soon set up an independent regulatory body, the National Environment...
More »Useless pharmaceutical studies cause real harm by Carl Elliott
Last month, the Archives of Internal Medicine published a scathing reassessment of a 12-year-old research study of Neurontin, a seizure drug made byPfizer. The study, which had included more than 2,700 subjects and was carried out by Parke-Davis (now part of Pfizer), was notable for how poorly it was conducted. The investigators were inexperienced and untrained, and the design of the study was so flawed it generated few if any...
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