-The Hindu When a senior Delhi Police officer was recently asked to disclose the reasons for so many rape victims turning hostile, he silently pointed towards a bundle of papers lying on the side table delivered to him through dak. These were court documents pertaining to rape cases that had been recently disposed of and in almost all of them the judge had remarked that the prosecutrix had turned hostile and the...
Kerala fast-tracks justice for sex offences victims
-The Hindustan Times The Congress-led government in Kerala has decided to set up an exclusive fast-track court to deal with sexual atrocities against women and children. Announcing this here on Wednesday, chief minister Oommen Chandy said the court would be set up in Kochi immediately. “We have decided to sanction 18 new posts to set up a new additional and district court in Kochi. This court would deal only with cases...
More »Missing Children: NHRC for Strict Implementation of Laws
-Outlook Flagging concerns about missing children, National Human Rights Commission today called for stricter implementation of laws concerning minors. Addressing a conference on missing children, NHRC Chairperson Justice K G Balakrishnan said the society should help law enforcement agencies in tackling the issue. "...Where are these missing children going? Either these children are being used by anti-social groups or organ rackets. Are they alive? Some children were found in extreme traumatic conditions. All...
More »‘No-phone’ glare on khaps -R Balaji
-The Telegraph The Supreme Court today ticked off police in three northern states for claiming no khap (caste) panchayats existed, observing that restricting girls from carrying mobile phones or wearing clothes of their choice violated the law. The apex court directed the khap panchayats of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to file their response on the legal validity of their functioning as “parallel courts”. “If a woman can’t wear proper dress, if girls...
More »Why journalists are covering rapes differently in New Delhi & Steubenville-Mallary Jean Tenore
-Poynter.org It’s not often that two stories about rape — one in India and one here in the U.S. — get so much attention at the same time. What’s striking about the simultaneous stories is how differently journalists are covering them. The case in New Delhi involves a young woman who was raped so brutally that she died. The five men suspected of the rape now face charges of kidnapping, rape and...
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