-PTI Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that every single grain of wheat would be purchased from the farmers in the state under the wheat Procurement process. The farmers should maintain calm without getting misled by any wrong propaganda, the Chief Minister said adding that the remaining farmers will be registered within three days and the wheat would be purchased from them. Chouhan said this while addressing the commissioners and...
Media Follies and Supreme Infallibility by Sukumar Muralidharan
The Supreme Court has taken steps to lay down a code for media reporting. This attempt at prior restraint on the media is a dangerous move with precedent from authoritarian polities. In a context where the judiciary has been lax in defending the media from attacks which seek to curb its freedom, such unilateral moves will not remedy bad reporting but rather make conditions worse for the media to play...
More »Wheat aplenty but gunny scarce in Madhya Pradesh
-The Hindu Chauhan sees injustice in FCI failure to lift quota Madhya Pradesh has had a bumper wheat harvest this rabi season, so much so the State does not have enough gunny sacks to pack the procured produce. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan on Wednesday called on Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution K.V. Thomas in New Delhi and complained of the shortage. Mr. Thomas assured him that...
More »Give debt relief or Trinamool will step up heat: Mamata-Sumit Sen & Nirmalya Banerjee
West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday threatened to bring her anger to the streets of New Delhi and launch an agitation in the capital if the Centre didn't give in to her demand for a moratorium on debt repayment. In a rare and exclusive interview to TOI at the Writers' Buildings in Kolkata, the Trinamool Congress chief didn't once utter the words "threat" or "pullout", but her message was...
More »Food ministry faces a problem of plenty now-Rituraj Tiwari
As news of record food grain production trickled from the corridors of the agriculture ministry, officials of the storage wing in the adjoining food ministry began working overtime to save the department the embarrassment of plenty. Food minister KV Thomas is under pressure to ensure that the toil of farmers is not wasted. "It's my duty to make sure that food grains don't rot. We are on our way to create...
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