Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly,who was part of the two-judge Supreme Court bench that delivered the 2G verdict on Thursday, has written the following article in response to The Telegraph report on Saturday that had quoted former Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee. The former Speaker has since said The Telegraph report had given rise to a wrong impression and his comments were strictly confined to policy, not executive decisions. “What I...
Belittling CAG Diminishes Parliament’s Effectiveness by BP Mathur
The Comptroller and Auditor General’s Report on the 2G Spectrum has created a great deal of controversy and his role is being questioned. The Public Accounts Committee could not finalise its report due to the splitting on the issue on party lines. The JPC currently examining the matter has taken an unprecedented step of taking evidence of a junior officer of the CAG’s set up, since retired, and quizzed the...
More »Six years of the rural jobs scheme
-Live Mint This week marks the completion of six years of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). Six years is not a long period of time for any meaningful evaluation of a programme of such nature. However, even within this short period of time, the programme has attracted considerable attention. One part of this is the criticism of how the programme involved considerable leakages, did not create productive...
More »Snakes and ladders by Amartya Sen
Like many board games that were developed in India, of which chess is perhaps the most important and famous, the game of “snakes and ladders” too emerged in this country a long time ago. With its balancing of snakes that pull you down and ladders that take you up, this game has been used again and again as a metaphor for life, telling us about our fortunes and misfortunes, and...
More »Per capita income crosses Rs 50,000
-The Times of India The per capita income of Indians for the first time crossed the Rs 50,000-mark in 2010-11, although using current prices as the barometer. According to the revised GDP data for the last financial year, per capita income is estimated to have risen 16.9% to Rs 53,331 compared to Rs 46,117 in the previous year. The $1,000-average income of Indians is seen to be illusionary in economic circles as...
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