-The Times of India A year after trying to provide a dignified life to sex workers, the Supreme Court on Thursday said its orders should not be construed as an encouragement to prostitution. The clarification came from a bench of Justices Altamas Kabir and Gyan Sudha Mishra after additional solicitor general P P Malhotra drew the court's attention to its July 19 order in which it had sought suggestions from the SC-constituted...
SC cages tiger tour, stirs deep concern
-The Telegraph The Supreme Court today banned tourism in the core areas of India’s tiger reserves till further orders, fuelling fears among tour operators and some conservationists that people would lose the chance to watch the animals in the wild, local economies would bleed and poaching would increase. The court, responding to a petition by a non-government environment organisation, acknowledged concerns expressed by the National Tiger Conservation Authority that tourism may be...
More »Sharp decline in enrolment in government schools
-The Economic Times It is a wake up call for the government and its efforts to improve the quality of schooling through the Right to Education. The number of children enrolled in government primary schools has dropped by 21 lakh between 2009-10 and 2010-11 while there has been an increase of 11 lakh in enrolment in private schools. The biggest decline in government primary school enrollment was in Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand,...
More »West Bengal emerges as the leader in generating SME jobs: Assocham-Sutanuka Ghosal
-The Economic Times KOLKATA: With over 43,000 jobs generated in the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sector between April 2011 and up to February 15, 2012, West Bengal has emerged as a front-runner state to facilitate growth in the SMEs sector, apex industry body Assocham said on Tuesday. Utilizing the margin subsidy money worth Rs 52.49 crore, the state of West Bengal assisted about 5,290 SME units across the state, according to...
More »Report cites ‘major labour abuses’ in textile sector-M Soundariya Preetha
-The Hindu Though there are improvements in employment and labour conditions on the work floor and in workers’ hostels in textile mills and garment factories in the State, “major labour abuses continue to occur,” according to the latest report by non-government watchdogs. The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) and the India Committee of the Netherlands (ICN) published a report, ‘Captured by cotton’, in May 2011 on the exploitation of Dalit...
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