West Bengal Minister for Agriculture Naren Dey on Monday denied that the suicide by a farmer in Bardhaman district recently was related to drought, even as another such incident was reported from a neighbouring village. “The reason for the suicide is not known. In the first case we found out that the person had committed suicide because of family problems. The police will conduct investigations in this case as well to...
Vidarbha farmers condemn Peepli Live, burn Aamir's effigy
A group of farmers in Vidarbha region held protests against Aamir Khan's Peepli Live which according to them was an attempt to belittle the cause of farmers in the region that has witnessed a number of suicides in the past. On the occasion of Independence Day, farm widows and farmers took to the streets in Yavatmal, which was the epicentre of Vidarbha farmers suicides, about 160 km near Nagpur in...
More »Food bowled
The disastrous effect of the state throwing up its hands and retreating is most starkly visible in agriculture . Remember: agriculture involves 70 per cent of the country's population , generates about 56 per cent of national income, 64 per cent of total expenditure and about one third of total savings. So, any neglect translates into gigantic costs. And the central crisis in agriculture — production barely matching a depressed...
More »How ‘rural' is India's agricultural credit? by Pallavi Chavan
One of the most intriguing features of India's agrarian economy in recent years is the persistence of agrarian distress in many regions, even while agricultural credit flow has risen sharply. Rising flow of credit to agriculture is normally associated with buoyancy in the farm sector. A closer look at the data on agricultural credit reveals that what is termed agricultural credit may have very little to do with agriculture, the...
More »Monsanto seeds - For good or evil?
Technology… the knack of so arranging the world that we don’t have to experience it — Max Frisch, Swiss novelist and playwright Why do MNCs excite extreme emotions in India ? If you take any one of them from banks to pharma and chemicals to defence and aerospace, they are all clubbed together with the “usual suspects” who do more harm than good despite all the good intentions they might have had....
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