-The Hindustan Times The Aadhaar scheme, touted as ‘gamechanger' by the UPA government, ended up hurting the Congress in the Lok Sabha polls, said outgoing Union food and consumer affairs minister KV Thomas. "The Aadhaar initiative, and the objective of linking welfare schemes with it, didn't find favour with the people. The decision was not appreciated by voters," Thomas told HT on the eve of the Congress Working Committee meeting on Monday,...
Agri ministry estimates bumper foodgrain output
-The Business Standard Third advance estimate of 2013-14 says grain production to rise 2.8% India's total foodgrain production in the 2013-14 crop marketing season that ends in June is expected to be around 264 million tonnes, almost 2.8 per cent more than 2012-13, some relief to the next government at a time when monsoon rains are expected to be below-normal this year. According to the third advance estimate of 2013-14 agriculture production, released...
More »WPI inflation eases to 5.2% in April-Vrishti Beniwal
-The Business Standard Food articles inflation dips to 8.64% compared to 9.9% in March Wholesale Price Index-based Inflation fell by 0.5 percentage points to 5.2 per cent in April from 5.7 per cent in March, providing some relief to a new government amid other deteriorating macroeconomic numbers such as retail inflation and industrial output. All three major components of the index - food, fuel and manufactured goods - recorded moderation in inflation on...
More »India needs to do a lot more to effectively deal with El Niño fallout-Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard More, water levels in the reservoirs of southern India are below the 10-year average at 8.28 billion cubic metres As doubts mount over the impact of El Niño on the southwest monsoon season in 2014, India's preparedness to face a low rainfall situation seems to have improved in the past four-five years. However, there are many gaps to be plugged. For example, although the average water in major reservoirs across...
More »Midday meal goes organic-Savvy Soumya Misra
-CivilSocietyOnline.com Cunoor (Tamil Nadu): The holidays have begun but children arrive at the Denalai Upper Primary School, giggling and whispering excitedly. They have come to proudly flaunt their organic kitchen garden where they grow vegetables and herbs for the school's midday meal. Nestled in the Nilgiris, the school has 38 students. Most of them belong to Denalai, a Baduga village. The Badugas are a tribal community, primarily cultivators, who are known...
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