-FirstPost.com Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a jibe at India's perennially hostile neighbour Pakistan at his Kozhikode speech, just a few days ahead of the 'surgical attacks' conducted by the Indian army's special forces at LoC. The Prime Minister said India is ready for a war with Pakistan, but a war on poverty, unemployment and malnutrition. Modi's 'war cry' resonated well in Pakistani Media, too. It seems we, Indians, are indeed...
How's the economy really doing? -TCA Sharad Raghavan
-The Hindu There are multiple ways to arrive at an answer, but each metric points in a different direction. If someone asks you how the Indian economy is doing, how would you answer? Would you say that the Gross Domestic Product and Gross Value Added (GVA) are both above 7 per cent, and so the economy is growing strongly? Or would you say that the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) has contracted for two straight...
More »Delhi's homeless - remembered only in winter -Bharat Dogra
-TheHoot.org Every winter stories are run about how the homeless need more shelters. During the monsoon and the heat – Media silence. On World Homeless Day, BHARAT DOGRA argues for less seasonal coverage The homeless constitute the poorest section of our urban population and they live pretty close to where the Media is based. Some of the highest concentrations of homeless people are within a 10 kms radius of the Media hub...
More »Basic interventions that matter -CK Mishra
-The Hindu Recent years have been a watershed in the public health programme in India. We have managed to eradicate diseases such as polio and tetanus, reduced maternal and child mortality rates significantly, halved the prevalence of tuberculosis and malaria and increased the life expectancy for both adults and children. These achievements reflect the unflinching efforts of the Indian government and all stakeholders in the past two decades to ensure health...
More »India Slips to Fourth Place in Global RTI Rating -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar
-TheWire.in The report shows that barring Pakistan, the rest of South Asia has also ranked well in implementing RTI laws with only Bhutan yet to enact one. India has slipped one point down to fourth place on the global RTI (Right to Information) Rating index that provides a comparative assessment of the national legal frameworks of 112 member countries with respect to the right to information. The rating was developed and applied...
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