-The Hindu Over 350 outlets were open and instructed to hand out free food Ahead of the funeral of Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Tuesday, Chennai shut down — shops, restaurants and roadside eateries were closed. But as Tamil Nadu mourned her, one of Amma’s pet schemes — ‘Amma Unavagams’ (Amma Canteens) stayed open — but not for business as food was served free of cost to all those who walked in. Of the 407...
Law to regulate working condition of domestic workers demanded
-PTI The platform has also drafted a model Domestic Workers Regulation of Work and Social security Bill and discussion on it was held with various stakeholders. New Delhi: Civil society organisations and trade unions under the banner of National Platform for Domestic Workers today demanded a comprehensive legislation to regulate their working condition and provisions for social security benefits. The platform has also drafted a model Domestic Workers Regulation of Work and...
More »Demonetisation: Micro-ATMs, Point of Sale asked to guard against cyber attacks
-PTI NEW DELHI: With the usage of micro-ATMs and POS counters witnessing a sharp surge post demonetisation, the country's premier cyber security agency CERT-In has cautioned customers, bankers and traders against skimming and malware attacks on these systems and asked them to adopt high-end encryption to plug possible breaches. The CERT-In, nodal agency to combat hacking, phishing attacks and to fortify security-related defences of the Indian Internet domain, has issued two specific...
More »Why are Drought-Affected States not Lifting Sufficient Food Grain: Supreme Court
-IANS The Supreme Court on Thursday sought response from 13 drought-affected states as to why they were not lifting enough food grain to made available at subsidised rates to the priority and vulnerable sections of the people in affected areas. The bench of Justice Madan B. Lokur and Justice N.V. Ramana sought response from the 13 states as NGO Swaraj Abhiyan told the court that they were not lifting sufficient food grains...
More »Route all wages via bank accounts: Govt. -Vikas Dhoot
-The Hindu Industry has expressed concern over the directive New Delhi: The Centre has asked all employers and contractors to ensure that wages are paid to all employees, including casual and contract workers, through cheques or electronic transfers into a bank account. The Chief Labour Commissioner, under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, has also asked firms to get bank accounts opened for all those workers who do not have one already, and...
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