Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda has announced a Rs 8.5 crore package for assistance to farmers in the flood-affected areas of the state. The package includes free and subsidised seeds of different crops and additional fertilisers to the farmers. The flood-affected areas include Sirsa, Fatehabad, Ambala, Kurukshetra, Kaithal and some parts of Karnal district. The stayte government will supply mini-kits of seeds of alternative crops like toria, hybrid bajra and...
Rising milk prices: Common man suffers again
Following a hike in the prices of petrol, diesel, gas, milk prices have also gone up. Between January 2007 and March 2010 the price of milk rose seven times in Delhi. The story is similar elsewhere in the nation too. In the last one year, prices increased from Rs 17 to Rs 22 a litre. In some cities, like Mumbai, the rise has been steeper. Earlier, it was pulses that were burning...
More »States, companies keen to bring farmers in agri-insurance net
With global warming now becoming a permanent fixture in the Indian agriculture landscape, state governments and insurance firms are rushing to provide crop insurance for farmers. Take the case of Rajasthan, which is now looking at extending agri-insurance cover across its 33 districts this year compared to 26 last year. Ditto with Himachal Pradesh and Haryana which would run the Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana from this kharif onwards. The cover...
More »High yield paddy plan in doldrums
SAMBALPUR: Good rains as yet, the kharif season in Sambalpur district is likely to be affected due to shortage of paddy seed. As per the available data, paddy will be cultivated over 1,04,500 hectares during the forthcoming kharif season. It was only 99,533 hectares last year. The Agriculture Department, to augment paddy production, had stressed cultivation of high yielding variety of paddy on a larger tract, but the nonavailability of seeds...
More »Haryana farmers prefer cotton to paddy by Madhvi Sally
Farmers across the southwest belt of Haryana and northern Rajasthan have this year sown cotton on a large scale moving away from paddy, the traditional crop in this region. Due to the unavailability of canal water in certain areas in this region, farmers have also moved from sowing Bt cotton to desi (local) cotton which requires less water. The trend has largely been seen in the districts of Fatehabad, Bhiwani,...
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