India's Supreme Court has rejected a plea to end the life of a woman who has been in a vegetative state since 1973. Aruna Shanbaug suffered severe brain damage and has been paralysed since a brutal rape in 1973. But the court said the medical evidence suggested that she should live. However, in what correspondents are calling a "landmark" judgment, the court also said some cases of euthanasia could be sanctioned if doctors...
Soon, Delhi to become kerosene-free
Delhi will soon get rid of problems related to scarcity and adulteration in kerosene oil being used by lakhs of poor families for cooking every day as new scheme is coming up replacing kerosene stoves. The Delhi government, along with the union government, has been giving final touches to a scheme which will replace kerosene oil stoves with LPG and further provide subsidy through banks to the poor. This will make...
More »Rise in glaucoma worries doctors by Daulat Rahman
Assam has witnessed an alarming rise in Patients suffering from glaucoma, a disease that causes permanent blindness. According to a conservative estimate, out of every 100 Patients visiting the Regional Institute of Ophthalmology (RIO) here, nearly 10 suffer from glaucoma. Of the visually impaired in Assam, 10 per cent are victims of glaucoma compared to 5 per cent five years ago. RIO’s director C.K. Baruah told this correspondent that though many suffered...
More »Patients rally against trade pact with EU
Patients battling cancer, infections and mental illness joined a rally here today beseeching the government to reject a trade pact with the European Union that they fear will threaten the availability of inexpensive generic medicines in India. An estimated 2,000 people, many among them infected with HIV, walked along Delhi’s Parliament Street on a day when Indian and EU officials were negotiating a free trade agreement in Brussels. Health activists and lawyers...
More »Govt opposes mercy death; over to court
The attorney-general of India today urged the Supreme Court to permit Aruna Shanbaug, a Mumbai nurse who has been in a coma for over 38 years, to live in her present state and not stop food to end her life. Shanbaug, 60, has been in a persistent vegetative state since a murderous attack by a ward attendant of Mumbai’s KEM hospital who tied a dog chain around her neck and tried...
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