-The Hindu Jammu: Responding to the public pressure, an Army court on Saturday decided to shift its centre of recording the statements of witnesses in the Pathribal carnage from Nagrota in Jammu to Awantipore in Kashmir valley. The court is holding trial on a chargesheet as the CBI has held a group of the Army officials guilty of killing five civilians in a fake encounter in Anantnag district in March 2000. Even...
Growth in pits, PM targets mining in opposition-ruled states -Rajeev Deshpande
-The Times of India Under pressure to energize the economy ahead of the 2014 election, the Manmohan Singh government is reaching across political divides to rescue mining projects in opposition-ruled states of Goa, Odisha and Karnataka. With third quarter growth sinking to 4.5% and the economic survey pointing to a mining and quarrying slowdown as a reason for poor industrial growth, the Centre has decided to ask the Supreme Court to relax...
More »Don’t be ashamed of Parliament attack, Afzal wrote -Ahmed Ali Fayyaz
-The Hindu SRInagar: ‘Why should you call it a conspiracy? If Dec 13 is a conspiracy, then entire Kashmir militancy is,” Afzal told Hizb chief Salahuddin through an Urdu weekly editor in 2008 Nearly five years before his execution at Delhi’s Tihar Jail for the December 13, 2001, terrorist strike on Parliament, Afzal Guru purportedly justified the attack in a letter to the editor of an Urdu weekly in SRInagar. Writing by hand,...
More »No reason to be 'ashamed of Dec 13', says 'Afzal letter' -Bashaarat Masood
-The Indian Express SRInagar: Over a fortnight after Afzal Guru was hanged, an Urdu weekly here has published a letter purportedly written by the Parliament attack convict, in which he tells Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin not to be “ashamed of December 13”. The Parliament attack took place on December 13, 2001. While the weekly, Qaumi Waqar, claimed that its editor, Shabnum Qayoom, had received the letter through ordinary post three years ago,...
More »Printers protest against Narendra Modi as chief guest, pull out from conference
-PTI A printers' conference, which will begin in New Delhi later this week, has got into a controversy with several participants pulling out to protest participation of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as the Chief Guest. Scheduled to be held on March 2 in Delhi, the conference "Romancing Print 2013" is the third edition of an annual, professional conference of the printing industry. This year it has been organised by AIFMP (All...
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