Kerala Chief Minister V S Achuthanandan today welcomed the Kerala High Court ruling setting aside the Election Commission (EC) order restraining it from extending the scheme to provide rice at Rs. 2 per kg to fresh beneficiaries. In a statement here today, Achuthanandan said Opposition leader Oommen Chandy "should apologise" to the people for allegedly trying to scuttle the scheme. The EC had in a letter to the Chief Minister mentioned that...
Tackling the blight of misgovernance by Minhaz Merchant
Global business abhors uncertainty. The ministerial-level corruption in UPA-II has slowed FDI and FII inflows. The stock market, despite double-digit corporate profit and 8.6% GDP growth, reflects the anxiety of Indian and foreign investors. To take India's growth story forward in the 20th year of economic reforms, political reforms must catch up. Misgovernance won't do in a globalised, interconnected world. Two kinds of political corruption blight India: episodical and ongoing. Episodical...
More »Transparency law to free India from poverty, graft: Aruna Roy
Social activist Aruna Roy Thursday said India's second war of independence has to be fought with the right to information (RTI) law, to free the nation from poverty and corruption. 'The next battle is ready with information and understanding of issues through the RTI and it is the ideal tool to help eradicate poverty and corruption,' the Magsaysay awardee said. Roy is in Shillong, the state capital of Meghalaya, to attend a...
More »‘Cash for votes a way of political life in South India' by Sarah Hiddleston
Politicians admit breaking election law: ‘yes, that's the great thing about democracy' Politicians and their aides in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh admitted to violating election law to influence voters in the 2009 Lok Sabha polls through payments in the form of cash, goods, or services, according to a revealing cable sent to the State Department by Frederick J. Kaplan, Acting Principal Officer of the U.S. Consulate-General in Chennai. In...
More »Full security for polling staff in Naxal-hit areas
The West Bengal government will ensure full security to workers deputed for election duty in Paschim Medinipur, Bankura and Purulia, three districts affected by left-wing extremism (LWE). Chief Secretary Samar Ghosh told journalists here that the full force would be present. He said this in response to queries that people were refusing to go to the three districts for fear. The elections to the three districts, comprising 14 Assembly constituencies, will be...
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